Check out our new 2025 Annual Photo Contest calendar available for order now!
Capturing the nature of the preserve
Capture the beautiful colors of fall
Birds in their natural habitat
Includes standard black and white and infrared images
Any living animal other than birds or humans
Rain, snow, ice; capture the effects of weather on the natural world. Be sure to take images safel
Frame-filling images where the subject, if displayed in 8×10 format, would be larger than life size
Limited to new photographers or those who haven’t entered in the last 2 years (2021/2022)
Image Submission Details
All images must be submitted as computer files in JPEG format. Please name each image in the following format:
For example, if John Smith were submitting two images for category #3 and one image to category #4 his image filenames would read:
The maximum image size for email submissions is 20 MB. Judging is anonymous, so no watermarks or names on the actual images, please.
How To Submit Your Photos
You may submit up to 7 photographs and no more than 2 for any one category.
You can email your images to:pennypackphoto@gmail.com.
You may need to send files in separate emails due to size.
You can also drop off a thumb drive at the Pennypack Trust office or send it in the mail. If you mail it, remember we need to receive it by February 28, 2024. The mailing address is:
Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-5099
The Director's Choice Award will by judged by
Submitted photos will be judged by our expert judges who will select 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries in 8 categories. Additional photos in each category may be selected for Honorable Mention. In addition, Chris Mendel, Director of the Trust, will choose the Director’s Award. Awards will be announced at a slideshow in the Spring of 2025 at the Visitor Center. Our judges will be present at the slideshow to comment on the winning photos.
1st, 2nd, 3rd place photos will be displayed at a print show at the Pennypack Visitor Center in the Summer of 2025, beginning with a reception to meet the photographers. All photographers entering the contest who are awarded a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prize will be encouraged to frame and display their winning photos. There will be an opportunity for non-awarded photographs to be displayed as matted images as well. Displayed images will be available for sale with a portion of the proceeds going to the benefit of the Pennypack Trust. Details will be provided prior to the show.